Problem A: Orac and Factors

Given two numbers N and K, apply f(N) to N exactly K times, where f(n) is the smallest positive divisor of n except 1.

Hint 1

  • After applying f(N) for the first time, what property do you observe on the result?

Hint 2

  • After applying f once, the resulting number will be even, why?
  • If so, for the remaining (k - 1) times, 2 will be added to the result.

Time Complexity


typedef long long ll;
void solve() {
    ll n, k;
    cin >> n >> k;

    ll factor = 2;
    ll maxFactor = sqrt(n);
    while (factor <= maxFactor) {
        if (n % factor == 0) { // smallest factor except 1
    if (n % factor != 0) { // no factor in [2, sqrt(n)], so f(n) = n
        factor = n;

    ll res = n + factor + (k - 1)*2; // 2 for the remaining (k - 1) times
    cout << res << endl;

Problem B: Orac and Models

Problem Statement:

  • You are given an array arr containing n elements. Find the maximum beautiful subsequence length.
  • A subsequence of arr is beautiful, if for every adjacent elements, with indices and in the array, where , is divisible by and .

Hint 1

  • What if you already knew the maximum subsequence length for all subarrays starting from 0 and ending till index (i-1)?
  • How will you find the answer for subarray starting from 0 and ending at index (i) ?

Hint 2

  • Well, what can be the previous index where you may pick an element in the subsequence? It must be a factor of i!
  • So, for all factors of i, say j, which can be computed in sqrt(n) time, see if arr[j] < arr[i] holds, then update answer for arr[0...i] by maximum of ans[i], ans[j] + 1.
  • See code for details.

Time Complexity


typedef long long ll;
void solve() {
    ll n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<ll> arr(n + 1, 0);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        cin >> arr[i];

    vector<ll> dp(n + 1, 0);
    ll res = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        ll cur = 1;
        for (int j = 1; j <= sqrt(i); ++j) {
            if (i % j == 0 && arr[j] < arr[i]) {
                cur = max(cur, 1 + dp[j]);
            if (i % j == 0 && arr[i/j] < arr[i]) {
                cur = max(cur, 1 + dp[i/j]);
        dp[i] = cur;
        res = max(res, dp[i]);
    cout << res << endl;

Problem C: Orac and LCM

Problem Statement:

  • You are given an array arr containing n elements.
  • Construct a multiset containing the lcm of all pairs of elements, say M.
  • Find the gcd of all the elements in M.
  • Note the constraints. So, solution won’t work.



  • Consider the prime factorization of two numbers a and b say:
    • For simplicity, considering k as the maximum no. of primes that we can get in the problem.
    • So, gcd(a, b) =
    • And lcm(a, b) =
  • So, when we take lcm of two numbers, we get the maximum of the powers of the primes for each prime and multiply them.
  • We need to get gcd of lcm of all pairs of the numbers.
  • So, let’s just focus on one prime number, say 2, that might occur in factorization of the numbers.
    • Let’s assume there are 3 numbers and powers of 2 in their factorizations are: 1, 2, 3.
    • So, when you will consider all 3 choose 2, i.e. 3 pairs, the powers of 2 you will be getting in the lcms will be: max(1, 2), max(1, 3), max(2, 3) = 2, 3, 3.
    • So, in the gcd, the power of 2 will be 2, since we need to take the minimum one in gcd.
    • Can you try building up some observation for more numbers and given the power of the prime?
    • Will the power be the second minimum one? Always? Or in some particular case? When the prime is present in factorization of all N numbers.
  • Consider a case when a particular prime is not available in atleast 2 numbers, so multiplying those 2 numbers you get no power of that prime. Thus, it won’t come in gcd also.
  • Consider one more example:
    • There are 5 numbers and powers of 2 are: 0, 3, 4, 4, 5.
    • Here, also when computing lcm of pairs, the min power you will get will be 3, i.e. second minimum.
    • Now, also thinking about complexity of solution, you can’t see for every prime if it divides every number, That will cost .
    • So, we will update the minimum powers as we factorize the number, using the shortest prime factor approach (see some articles on it) to do prime factorization in .
    • Please see the code for more details.


typedef long long ll;
const int MAXN = 2e5;
// stores smallest prime factor for every number
ll spf[MAXN];
// stores the minimum power of a prime occurring in any factorization
ll min1[MAXN];
// stores the second minimum power of a prime occurring in any factorization
ll min2[MAXN];
// Calculating SPF (Smallest Prime Factor) for every number till MAXN.
void sieve();
// A O(log n) function returning prime factorization
// by dividing by smallest prime factor at every step
// returns the pairs of {prime, its power}
vector<pair<int, int>> getFactorization(int x);

void solve() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<int> arr(n);
    for (auto &a : arr) {
        cin >> a;

    memset(min1, -1, sizeof(min1));
    memset(min2, -1, sizeof(min2));

    vector<int> cnt(MAXN, 0); // count of the numbers in which a particular prime appears in the factorization
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        int x = arr[i];
        vector<pair<int, int>> fact = getFactorization(x); // {prime, its power} pairs
        for (auto ff : fact) {
            int p = ff.first; // prime
            int c = ff.second; // power of prime occurring in factorization

            // update first min and second min for the given power
            if (min1[p] == -1) {
                min1[p] = c;
            } else if (min2[p] == -1) {
                int m = min1[p];
                if (c <= m) {
                    min1[p] = c;
                    min2[p] = m;
                } else {
                    min1[p] = m;
                    min2[p] = c;
            } else {
                int m1 = min1[p];
                int m2 = min2[p];
                if (c <= m1) {
                    min1[p] = c;
                    min2[p] = m1;
                } else if (c <= m2) {
                    min2[p] = m2;

    ll res = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i < MAXN; ++i) {
        if (cnt[i] == n) { // prime occurring in all the numbers, consider second min power
            res *= pow(1ll * i, min2[i]);
        } else if (cnt[i] == n - 1) { // prime occuring in n - 1 numbers, consider first min power
            res *= pow(1ll * i, min1[i]);
    cout << res << endl;

void sieve() {
    spf[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i < MAXN; i++)

    // marking smallest prime factor for every
    // number to be itself.
    spf[i] = i;

    // separately marking spf for every even
    // number as 2
    for (int i = 4; i < MAXN; i += 2) spf[i] = 2;

    for (int i = 3; i * i < MAXN; i++) {
        // checking if i is prime
        if (spf[i] == i) {
        // marking SPF for all numbers divisible by i
        for (int j = i * i; j < MAXN; j += i)
            // marking spf[j] if it is not
            // previously marked
            if (spf[j] == j) spf[j] = i;

// A O(log n) function returning prime factorization
// by dividing by smallest prime factor at every step
// returns the pairs of {prime, its power}
vector<pair<int, int>> getFactorization(int x) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> ret;
    while (x != 1) {
        int cur = spf[x];
        int cnt = 0;
        while (x && spf[x] == cur) {
            x = x / spf[x];
        ret.push_back({cur, cnt});
    return ret;